ISO ZERTIFIZIERT Albromet Tel. +49 8171 63 998-0

Aluminiumbronze for forming industry

Aluminiumbronze für die Umformtechnik von ALBROMET

ALBROMET Aluminiumbronze is ideal for forming stainless steel blanks.

High-quality castings and forgings are used as tool components in forming, especially for forming and deep-drawing stainless steel blanks. Blank holders and draw rings are usually delivered ready for toolmaking. Tools for deep-drawing stainless steel blanks are made of aluminium bronzes, which are high-strength and have good sliding properties. The high-strength ALBROMET 300 - 380 materials have proven their worth in this process over many years. Depending on the size of the components, forgings or castings are recommended for blank holders, dies or punches. This enables a variety of forming components to be inexpensively and promptly manufactured. No hardening or coating is necessary. The right material selection ensures an increased service life.

Forming stainless steel blankets

  • high forming capacity
  • good sliding properties
  • high form stability
  • short production times
  • no cold welding
  • high surface quality
Aluminiumbronze zum Umformen von Edelstahlblechen

Life time depends on

... the quality of the material

ALBROMET exclusively uses aluminium bronzes manufactured to the highest quality standards.


... the quality of execution

Minimal tolerances in the form and position of workpieces ensure precision. Radii, transitions and surface finish are tested to the highest accuracy standards, which ensures optimal quality.

Qualitätsbronzen für die Umformtechnik


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Administration: Sudetenstraße 51
Goods Receipt: Sudetenstraße 48
82538 Geretsried

Tel. +49 8171 63 998-0